Kester Meijer
Director Operational Integrity, Compliance & Safety – ISCM Cargo | SPL/FQ
KLM Cargo
Kester enjoys working with people in industry, regulations, enforcement and technology.
He has extensive knowledge and experience in both Air Cargo Supply Chain Logistics, Compliance and ICT. Putting this unique combination to work on connecting with stakeholders and orchestrating innovative concepts, where processes are combined with new technology and standards. He strongly believes our industry is in the era of a paradigm shift, where Data, Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things and Blockchain will provide new ways to collaborate and connect. The future of Smart Borders and Air Cargo is to pre-check everything upstream and ensure a smooth shipment journey! The design of smart border assessment capacity has proven it’s value on several topics like Strategic/Military/Dual-Use goods and on the latest developments on Sanctions.