Michael H. Huneke
Hughes Hubbard & Reed
Mike’s recent thought leadership includes several “fresh looks” at all aspects of sanctions and export controls compliance, synthesizing key concepts from these complicated, dynamic regulatory topics and providing general counsel and chief compliance officers with the tools for focusing resources on the greatest risks for companies, directors, and officers.
The Legal 500 has recognized Mike as a “voice of reason when it comes to compliance matters,” with clients’ feedback including that Mike “stands out for his multi-jurisdictional knowledge of compliance, pragmatism and efficiency in handling cases.”
Mike received Lexology’s Client Choice Award for Investigations-USA for 2022 and 2023. Clients’ feedback included that Mike “is always able to quickly respond to the client’s queries even on a short notice and provides guidance which is at the same time precise and compelling.”
Mike was also recognized as one of four Hughes Hubbard attorneys honored to receive Global Investigations Review’s (GIR’s) “Most Important Development in the Practice or Law of International Investigations” 2020 award on behalf of the firm and its Global Investigations, Enforcement and Compliance team for his representation of Airbus in its historic settlement to successfully resolve bribery and corruption allegations.